Ounce Gold and Troy Ounce are unit of mass for Precious Metals
The ounces will be the EU as a trading has been banned weight, but the application of Troy ounce or ounce (oz tr) is still internationally as a weight / unit in Gram for gram precious metals and forms the basis for calculating the gold price per oz gold price in dollars or euros for the gold and Feingold. The ounce is a measure of weight for precious metals, which today still in the framework of the precious metal trading, coins also for trade for gold coins and bars and silver ingots used. It is also used as a troy ounce described, named after the French town of Troyes. Ounces of uncia derived from the Latin word for twelfth. The ounce is still mainly for weight indication of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum). The ounce weighs a 1 / 12 a troy pound, which after the French city of Troyes is named, which in the Middle Ages a major trading centre. Nevertheless, the troy ounce, also ounce colloquially referred to today as international weight measure of precious metals, gold and silver ingots and bars. Gold coins and silver coins are available in banks and gold dealers in gold coins, silver coins and other precious metal coins. If you have pure gold coins and Feingold want to sell, contact the gold buying. Again, the weight of ounces in connection with the gold price used to determine the value.
Troy Ounce actual Gold Price per Ounce in Dollar
On 13.03.2008 gold price cracked the first time the historical mark of 1,000 dollars per ounce. We are not buying gold. Please do not make such requests!